An application developed collaboratively to help calculate storage discounts during grain/cereal storage, considering impurity, moisture and technical breakdown.The product from the cultivated area usually presents higher impurity and moisture contents than those recommended for commercialization, storage or processing. Therefore, upon reception, the loads must be properly sampled, so that the levels of impurity and moisture can be determined in order to carry out the calculations related to the amounts of: (i) impurities to be removed by the pre-cleaning and cleaning machines; and (ii) water to be evaporated during drying.Impurity break is the percentage value to be applied to the mass value of the load received to determine the amount of impurity to be removed. It is understood by impurities material foreign to the mass of grains, such as: soil particles, stones and plant debris. And by impurity content the percentage ratio between the amounts of impurity and product.Moisture breakdown refers to the calculation of the amount of water to be removed from the product in the drying process.A technical break is called a reduction in the weight of the stored product caused mainly by the respiratory activity of the grains, which leads to the consumption of constituent dry matter.